You're doing something amazing

No one should go blind from avoidable causes. How many people's sight will you help us save today?

Your donation

How often would you like to donate:
How much would you like to give?

Your donation could: pay for a sight-saving adult cataract operation

Your donation could: pay for trichiasis operations to give sight to eight adults

Your donation could: pay for operations and aftercare to give sight to eight children with cataracts

How much would you like to give?

In a year, your monthly donation could: pay for cataract operations to give two children back their sight

In a year, your monthly donation could: pay for trichiasis operations to stop eight people going blind

In a year, your monthly donation could: pay for treatment to prevent more than 3,400 families from losing their sight to river blindness


Other ways to donate:



Donate by Mail

Online donations help keep our admin costs down, but we do accept donations by check or money order.

Please make checks and money orders payable to:

Sightsavers, Inc.
One Boston Place, Suite 2600
Boston MA 02108

Thank you for your life-changing donation. The largest gift we can accept via our website is £10,000. If you would like to give more or have any questions, please contact us via +44 (0)1444 446 684 or email our team at [email protected].