You're doing something amazing

No one should go blind from avoidable causes. How many people's sight will you help us save today?

Your donation

How often would you like to donate:
How much would you like to give?

In a year, your monthly donation could: treat and protect more than 150 people from trachoma.

In a year, your monthly donation could: treat and protect and entire community from trachoma

In a year, your monthly donation could: help screen five classes of children for a range of eye conditions

How much would you like to give?

Your donation could: treat and protect more than 150 people from trachoma.

Your donation could: treat or protect an entire community against trachoma.

Your donation could: screen five classes of children for a range of eye conditions


Other ways to donate:





Donate by Post

Online donations help keep our admin costs down, but we do accept donations by cheque.

Please make cheques payable to Sightsavers

Bumpers Way
Bumpers Farm
SN14 6NG
United Kingdom

Donate by Phone

Online donations help keep our admin costs down, but we do accept donations by phone.

7 days a week 8am - 10pm (UK time)

0800 089 2020